

  • RadLib : a radiation property library
  • SootLib : a library of models for soot formation
  • ODT : one-dimensional turbulent code, c++
  • Colormaps : a collection of perceptually uniform custom colormaps
  • Expm : computation of the exponential matrix in C++
  • Fluid demo : Image detection coupled to a mouse controlling WebGL Fluid Simulator
  • Multilinear interpolation : multilinear interpolation in C++.
  • CoalEq : thermodynamic equilibrium for coal

Journal Articles

  • J.P. Berryhill, J.K. Spinti, D.O. Lignell, “Ignis: a one-dimensional laminar flame code,” SoftwareX 28:101937 (2024).

  • M. Behrang, T. Starick, I. Wheeler, H. Schmidt, A.R. Kerstein, D.O. Lignell, “Hierarchical parcel-swapping representation of turbulent mixing. Part 4. Extension to the viscous range and to mixing of scalars with nonunity Schmidt numbers,” submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics, June 2024. Preprint (2024).

  • T. Starick, M. Behrang, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, A.R. Kerstein, “Turbulent mixing simulation using the Hierarchical Parcel-Swapping (HiPS) model,” Technische Mechanik, 43:49-58 (2023).

  • V.B. Stephens, J. Bedwell, A.J. Josephson, K. Oldham, D.O. Lignell, “SootLib: a soot model library for combustion simulation,” SoftwareX, 22:101375 (2023).

  • M. Klein, H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, “Stochastic modeling of surface scalar-flux fluctuations in turbulent channel flow using one-dimensional turbulence,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 93:108889 (2022). Preprint .

  • V.B. Stephens, S. Jensen, I. Wheeler, D.O. Lignell, “RadLib: a radiative heat transfer model library for CFD,” Computer Physics Communications, 272:108227 , (2022).

  • T.H. Fletcher, D. Haycock, S. Tollefsen, D.O. Lignell, “Merging of horizontally- and vertically-separated small-scale buoyant flames,” Fire, 4:51-76 (2021). Published paper .

  • A.P. Richards, D.O. Lignell, T.H. Fletcher, “A comparison of mixture fraction approaches for coal combustion simulations,” in review, Fuel, December 29, 2020. Preprint .

  • V.B. Stephens, D.O. Lignell, “One-dimensional turbulence (ODT): computationally efficient modeling and simulation of turbulent flows,” SoftwareX, 13:100641 (2020), Paper .

  • Rakhi, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, “Investigating spatially developing turbulent boundary layers with uniform blowing using a one-dimensional stochastic turbulence model,” submitted to Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, May 2020, Preprint .

  • M. Fistler, A.R. Kerstein, D.O. Lignell, M. Oevermann, “Turbulence modulation in particle-laden, stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence using One-Dimensional Turbulence” Physical Review Fluids 5:044308 (2020), Paper .

  • J.A. Medina Méndez, M. H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, “Application of the one dimensional turbulence model to incompressible channel and pipe flow,” submitted to the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, May 2019, Preprint .

  • A.J. Josephson, E.M. Hopkins, D.O. Lignell, R.R. Linn, “Reduction of a detailed soot model for simulation of pyrolyzing solid fuel combustion,” Combustion Theory and Modelling, DOI: 10.1080/13647830.2019.1656823 (2019). Preprint .

  • D.O. Lignell, M.J. Memmott, A.A. Andersen, “STEM outreach to high school students through a chemical engineering fluid mechanics course project” Transactions on Techniques in STEM Education, 4(1):50-59, 2018.

  • A.J. Josephson, R.R. Linn, D.O. Lignell, “Modeling soot formation from solid complex fuels,” Combustion and Flame, 196:265-283 (2018). Postprint .

  • D.O. Lignell, V.B. Lansinger, J. Medina Méndez, M. Klein, A.R. Kerstein, H. Schmidt, M. Fistler, M. Oevermann, “One-dimensional turbulence modeling for cylindrical and spherical flows: model formulation and application,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 32(4):495-520 (2018). Accepted Paper © .

  • A.J. Josephson, N.D. Gaffin, S.T. Smith, T.H. Fletcher, D.O. Lignell, “Modeling soot consumption with Bayesian statistics,” Energy and Fuels, 31(10):11291-11303 (2017).

  • A. Abdelsamie, D.O. Lignell, D. Thevenin, “Comparison between ODT and DNS for ignition occurrence in turbulent premixed jet combustion: Safety-relevant applications,” Zeitschrift Für Physikalische Chemie, 231(10):1709-1735 , DOI: 10.1515/zpch-2016-0902 (2017). Published Paper . The final publication is available at . ©.

  • J. Udy, B. Hansen, S. Maddux, D. Peterson, S. Heilner, K. Stevens, D.O. Lignell, J.D. Hedengren, “Review of field development optimization of waterflooding, EOR, and well placement focusing on history matching and optimization algorithms,” Processes 5(3):34-59 (2017).

  • C. Han, D.O. Lignell, E.R. Hawkes, J.H. Chen, H. Wang, “Examination of the effect of differential molecular diffusion in DNS of turbulent non-premixed flames,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(16):11879-11892 (2017). Accepted Paper ©

  • H. Ghiassi, D.O. Lignell, J. Lighty, “Soot oxidation by OH: theory development, model, and experimental validation,” Energy and Fuels, 31(3):2236-2245 (2017).

  • G. Sun, J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, “Evaluation of stochastic particle dispersion modeling in turbulent round jets,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 89:108-122 (2017). Accepted Paper ©

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, A.L. Brown, T.H. Fletcher, “Revision to modeling soot derived from pulverized coal,” Energy and Fuels, 30(60):5198-5199 (2016).

  • E.I. Monson, D.O. Lignell, M.A. Finney, C. Werner, Z. Jozefik, A.R. Kerstein, R.S. Hintze, “Simulation of an ethylene wall fire using the spatially-evolving one-dimensional turbulence model,” Fire Technology, Special Issue on Validation and Fire Modelling, 52(1):167-196 (2016). Accepted paper ©.

  • A.W. Abboud, B.B. Schroeder, T. Saad, S.T. Smith, D.D. Harris, D.O. Lignell, “A numerical comparison of precipitating turbulent flows between large-eddy simulation and one-dimensional turbulence,” AIChE Journal, 61(10):3185-3197 (2015). Accepted paper ©.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, C. Gin, “Particle dispersion in homogeneous turbulence using the one-dimensional turbulence model,” Physics of Fluids, 26:103301 (2014). Published paper ©.

  • D.O. Lignell, G.C. Fredline, and A.D. Lewis “Comparison of one-dimensional turbulence and direct numerical simulation of soot formation and transport in a nonpremixed ethylene jet flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, DOI 10.1016/j.proci.2014.05.046 (2014). Accepted paper ©.

  • B.B. Schroeder, D.D. Harris, S.T. Smith, and D.O. Lignell, “Theoretical framework for multiple-polymorph particle precipitation in highly supersaturated systems,” Crystal Growth and Design, DOI 10.1021/cg401892b (2014). Accepted Paper ©.

  • A. Krisman, J.C.K. Tang, E.R. Hawkes, D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, “A DNS evaluation of mixing models for transported PDF modelling of turbulent nonpremixed flames,” Combustion and Flame, 161(8):2085-2106 (2014). Accepted Paper ©

  • D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, G. Sun, E.I. Monson, “Mesh adaption for efficient multiscale implementation of one-dimensional turbulence,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 27(3):273-295 (2013). Accepted paper ©.

  • E.D. Gonzalez-Juez, A.R. Kerstein, D.O. Lignell, “Reactive Rayleigh-Taylor turbulent mixing: a one-dimensional turbulence study,” Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 107:506-525 (2013). Accepted paper ©.

  • D.O. Lignell, D.S. Rappleye, “One-dimensional-turbulence simulation of flame extinction and reignition in planar ethylene jet flames,” Combustion and Flame, 159:2930-2943 (2012). Accepted Paper ©

  • E.D. Gonzalez-Juez, A.R. Kerstein, D.O. Lignell, “Fluxes across double-diffusive interfaces: a one-dimensional turbulence study,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 677:218-254 (2011). Accepted paper ©.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, H.A. Schmutz, “Effects of Damköhler number on flame extinction and reignition in turbulent nonpremixed flames using DNS,” Combustion and Flame, 158:949-963 (2010). Accepted Paper ©

  • D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, J.H. Chen, “A-priori analysis of conditional moment closure modeling of a temporal ethylene jet flame with soot formation using direct numerical simulation,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(1):1491-1498 (2009). Accepted Paper ©

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, P.J. Smith, “Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of soot formation and transport in a temporally-evolving, nonpremixed ethylene jet flame,” Combustion and flame, 155(1-2):316-333 (2008). Accepted Paper ©

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, P.J. Smith, T. Lu, C.K. Law, “The effect of flame structure on soot formation and transport in turbulent nonpremixed flames using direct numerical simulation”, Combustion and Flame, 151(1-2):2-28 (2007). Accepted Paper ©

  • C.L. Senior, D.O. Lignell, A.F. Sarofim, A. Mehta, “Modeling arsenic partitioning in coal-fired power plants”, Combustion and Flame, 147(3):209-221 (2006). Accepted Paper ©

  • P. Jiang, D.O. Lignell, K.E. Kelly, J.S. Lighty, A.F. Sarofim, C.J. Montgomery, “Simulation of the evolution of particle size distributions in a vehicle exhaust plume with unconfined dilution by ambiant air”, Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 55(4):437-445 (2005)

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

  • D.O. Lignell, M.J. Memmott, A.A. Andersen, “Involving high school students in an engineering fluid mechanics course project,” ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference, September 22-23, 2017, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. Paper.

  • M. Fistler, D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, M. Oevermann, “Numerical studies of turbulent particle-laden jets using spatial approach of one-dimensional turbulence,” ILASS-Europe 28th Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, September 6-8, 2017, Valencia, Spain. Paper.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, E.S. Richardson, “Terascale direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion: fundamental understanding towards predictive models,” (Invited paper), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 125(1):1-10 (2008), DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/125/1/012031. Published paper .

Invited Presentations

  • D.O. Lignell, Advanced stochastic models for turbulent reacting flows: one-dimensional turbulence, and heirarchical parcel swapping, Brandenburgische Technische Universität, July 17, 2024, Cottbus, Germany.

  • D.O. Lignell, Stochastic simulation of turbulent reacting flows using reduced-dimensional models–ODT and HiPS, University of California Irvine, October 13, 2023, Irvine, CA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, Modeling detailed turbulence-chemistry interactions in flames and fires using the One-Dimensional Turbulence Model, 10th Triennial International Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference, October 17-20, 2022, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, Energy Challenges: Issues, Scales, and Transition, Utah Municipal Power Agency (UMPA) Conference, March 24, 2022, St. George, Utah, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Near-wall turbulence and mixing/combustion modeling,” UTRC Workshop, June 16, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Questions and research in turbulent combustion,” Brigham Young University, October 15, 2018, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Simulation and modeling of turbulent combustion,” Brigham Young University, November 16, 2017, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Multiscale simulation of turbulent flows using One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT),” Sandia National Laboratories, July 11, 2017, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Detailed simulations of soot formation in nonpremixed jet flames,” AFOSR/ARO/NSF Basic Combustion Research Review, June 10, 2016, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Simulation of turbulent reacting flows using ODT, DNS, and LES,” Graduate Seminar, University of California, Riverside, October 30, 2015, Riverside, CA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Multiscale simulation of turbulent reacting flows using DNS and ODT,” Graduate Seminar, Arizona State University, October 7, 2013, Tempe, AZ, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell “Multiscale simulation of turbulent flames–soot, fire, and flame extinction and reignition,” (Invited Poster), 32nd Annual Combustion Research Meeting, U.S. DOE, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, May 31-June 3, 2011.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Research and graduate school at Brigham Young University,” Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Seminar, January 26, 2010, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Direct numerical simulation of soot formation and transport in turbulent nonpremixed ethylene flames,” Chemical Engineering Department Graduate Seminar, February 14, 2008, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA.

Conference Papers and Presentations

  • J. Porter, D.O. Lignell, J. Berryhill, “A flame-progress variable method with heat loss for efficient simulation of flames and fires,” AIChE National Meeting, October 27-31, 2024, San Diego, California, USA.

  • J. Berryhill, J. Porter, K. Spinti, D.O. Lignell, “An exercise of SootLib Models in unsteady flames,” AIChE National Meeting, October 27-31, 2024, San Diego, California, USA.

  • M. Behrang, D.O. Lignell, “Analysis of turbulent reacting flows and combustion processes using the Hierarchical Parcel Swapping model” AIChE National Meeting, October 27-31, 2024, San Diego, California, USA.

  • J. Porter, J. Berryhill, D.O. Lignell, “A flame-progress variable model with heat loss for flame and fire applications,” FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, April 17-18, 2024, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA.

  • J. Berryhill, J. Porter, D.O. Lignell, “Soot modeling in unsteady, one-dimensional flames” FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, April 17-18, 2024, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA.

  • J. Berryhille, K. Spinti, D.O. Lignell, “Integration of SootLib into one-dimension unsteady flames,” Spring 2024 Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 4-5 2024, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  • M. Behrang, D.O. Lignell, “Evaluation of a novel mixing model (HiPS) for transported PDF modeling,” Fall 2023 Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 16-17 2023, California State University Northridge, California, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, V.B. Stephens, J. Bedwell, A.J. Josephson, K. Oldham, “SootLib: a library for modeling soot formation in combustion systems,” 13th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 19-22, 2023, College Station, Texas, USA.

  • M. Behrang, D.O. Lignell, “Poster: Using HiPS as a mixing model for transported PDF calculations of turbulent nonpremixed flames,” 13th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 19-22, 2023, College Station, Texas, USA.

  • A.R. Kerstein, J.A. Medina, H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, “On the modifications to the spatial formulation of the One-Dimensional Turbulence model for internal flows,” 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, June 5-9, 2022, Oslo, Norway.

  • T. Starick, M. Behrang, D. Lignell, H. Schmidt, A.R. Kerstein, “Turbulent mixing simulation using the Hierarchichal Parcel Swapping (HiPS) model,” Converence on Modeling and Fluid Flow, Budapest Hungary, August 30-September 2, 2022.

  • M. Klein, H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, L. Freire, A.R. Kerstein, “Ein stochastischer Ansatz zur Modellierung fluktuierender Oberflächenflüsse in turbulenten Grenzschichten,” DACH Meteorology Conference, March 21-25, 2022.

  • M. Klein, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, “Stochastic modeling of transient surface scalar and momentum fluxes in turbulent boundary layers,” European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, September 3-10, 2021.

  • D.O. Lignell, M. Behrang, A.R. Kerstein, I. Wheeler, T. Starick, “Turbulent mixing simulation of variable Sc flows using the Hierarchical Parcel Swapping (HiPS) model,” 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 21-23, 2021, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

  • M. Behrang, D.O. Lignell, “Using Hips As a New Mixing Model to Study Differential Diffusion of Scalar Mixing in Turbulent Flows,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-19, 2021, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

  • M. Klein, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, “Stochastic modeling of transient surface scalar and momentum fluxes in turbulent boundary layers,” European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, September 6-10, 2021.

  • M. Behrang, I. Wheeler, A.R. Kerstein, T. Starick, H. Schmidt, “Simulation of turbulent mixing using the Hierarchical Parcel Swapping (HiPS) model,” 12th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 24-26, 2021, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

  • V. Stephens, I. Wheeler, S. Jensen, D.O. Lignell, “Radiative property modeling for CFD,” 12th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 24-26, 2021, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

  • J. Bedwell, V.B. Stephens, D.O. Lignell, “Soot and software engineering–Using object-oriented design patterns to create models with simple and powerful code,” Rocky Mountain Regional AIChE Student Conference, Colorado State University, April 2-3, 2021.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Stochastic simulation of turbulent flows using reduced dimensional models: ODT, LEM, HiPS,” WCCM-ECCOMAS, Paris, France, January 18-21, 2021.

  • A.R. Kerstein, D.O. Lignell, M. Behrang, I. Wheeler, T. Starick, “Hierarchical Parcel-Swapping (HiPS) representation of turbulent flow and mixing,” WCCM-ECCOMAS, Paris, France, January 18-21, 2021.

  • I. Wheeler, D.O. Lignell, “Hierarchical parcel swapping” Rocky Mountain Regional AIChE Student Conference, New Mexico Tech University, October 3, 2020.

  • S. Tollefsen, D. Sabin, D. Haycock, D.O. Lignell, T.H. Fletcher, “Analysis of merged flame behavior from two and three fuel sources separated both vertically and horizontally,” Rocky Mountain Regional AIChE Student Conference, New Mexico Tech University, October 3, 2020.

  • Rakhi, D.O. Lignell H. Schmidt, “A stochastic approach to investigate a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer with uniform blowing,” 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, March 16-20, 2020, Kassel, Germany.

  • T. Starick, D.O. Lignell H. Schmidt, “Stochastic modeling of a lifted methane/air jet flame with detailed chemistry,” 91st Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, March 16-20, 2020, Kassel, Germany.

  • I. Wheeler, D.O. Lignell, “Hierarchical parcel swapping: turbulent mixing model,” UCUR Conference, Utah State University, February 7, 2020.

  • S.J. Jensen, D.O. Lignell, “Applications of radiative heat transfer in combustion modeling” UCUR Conference, Utah State University, February 7, 2020.

  • K. Oldham, D.O. Lignell, “Implementing a sectional model for soot coagulation into a standalone soot library,” UCUR Conference, Utah State University, February 7, 2020.

  • D.O. Lignell, T. Starick, I. Wheeler, J. Frei, “Stochastic simulation of turbulent reacting flows with variable Schmidt numbers,” 2019 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 14-15, 2019, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

  • K. Brinkerhoff, A.J. Josephson, J. Thornock, A. Fry, D.O. Lignell, “The effect of soot in oxy-coal combustion systems,” 2019 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 14-15, 2019, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, I. Wheeler, “Use of the Hierarchical Parcel Swapping method to simulation turbulent subgrid reacting flows with variable Schmidt numbers,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 10-16, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA.

  • T. Starick, H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, “One-dimensional turbulence modelling of a lifted methane/air jet flame in a vitiated coflow,” 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), July30-August 2, 2019, Southampton, UK. Paper.

  • T.H. Fletcher, D.O. Lignell, Alexander J. Josephson, Andrew Richards, Daniel Gunderson, Troy Holland, “Advances in modeling coal pyrolysis, char combustion, and soot formation from coal tar,” 9th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (ISCC-9), July 21-24, 2019, Qingdao, China.

  • D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, A. Perego, T. Starick, J. Frei, H. Schmidt, “Application of the Hierarchical Parcel Swapping (HiPS) model to turbulent reacting flows,” 11th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 24-27, 2019, Pasadena, California, USA.

  • K. Brinkerhoff, a. Josephson, B. Isaac, J. Thornock, D. Lignell, “The effect of soot in oxy-coal combustion systems,” (poster), 11th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 24-27, 2019, Pasadena, California, USA.

  • Tommy Starick, David O. Lignell, Heiko Schmidt, “Towards a simple mixing model for reacting flows using Hierarchical Parcel Swapping (HiPS),” 17th European Turbulence Conference, September 3-6, 2019, Torino, Italy.

  • M. Klein, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, “Stochastic modeling of temperature and velocity statistics in spherical-shell convection”, EGU Conference on Recent developments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Waves, Turbulence, and Transport, April 7-12, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

  • M. Klein, D.O. Lignell, H. Schmidt, “Map-based modeling of turbulent convection: Application of the One-Dimensional Turbulence Model to planar and spherical geometries” (poster), International Conference on Rayleigh-Benard Turbulence, May 14-18, 2018, Enschede, Netherlands.

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, R. Linn, V.B. Lansinger, “Simplified modeling for soot formation from solid fuels,” Spring Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 25-27, 2018, Bend, Oregon, USA.

  • J. Frei, D.O. Lignell, “Hierarchical parcel swapping: A novel solution to an old problem,” AIChE Rocky Mountain Regional Student Conference, March 23-24, 2018, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • M. Klein, H. Schmidt, D.O. Lignell, “Map-based modeling of high-Ra turbulent convection in planar and spherical geometries,” Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, September 4-7, 2018, Budapest, Hungary. Paper.

  • D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, J. Ward, A. Perego, “A new mixing model for turbulent reacting flows using Hierarchical Parcel Swapping (HiPS),” AIChE Annual Meeting, October 29-November 3, 2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, A.J. Josephson, B. Isaac, K. Brinkerhoff, “Large Eddy Simulation of soot formation in oxy-coal combustion,” AIChE Annual Meeting, October 29-November 3, 2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, V.B. Lansinger, A.R. Kerstein, “A cylindrical formulation of the One-Dimensional Turbulence (ODT) model for turbulent jet flames,” AIChE Annual Meeting, October 29-November 3, 2017, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, E. Hopkins, R.R. Linn, D.O. Lignell, “Modeling soot formation from complex fuels,” 2017 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 2-3, 2017, Laramie, Wyoming, USA.

  • M. Fistler, D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, M. Oevermann, “Numerical study of stochastic particle dispersion using One-Dimensional Turbulence,” ILASS-Americas 29th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA. Paper.

  • E.D. Gonzalez-Juez, A. Dasgupta, S. Arshad, M. Oevermann, D.O. Lignell, “Effect of the turbulence modeling in large-eddy simulations of nonpremixed flames undergoing extinction and reignition, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2017, Gaylord, Texas, USA. Paper.

  • A.J. Josephson, R.R. Linn, D.O. Lignell, “Detailed modeling of soot formation from solid fuels,” 9th FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, May 9-10, 2017, Norwood, Massachusetts, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, T.H. Fletcher, D.O. Lignell, “Modeling soot in coal systems,” 10th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, April 23-26, 2017, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA.

  • J.B. Ward, D.O. Lignell, “Hierarchical parcel swapping (HIPS)—A comprehensive subgrid model for turbulent reacting flows,” UCUR conference, February 17, 2017, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, USA.

  • S.A. Skousen, V. Lansinger, D.O. Lignell, “Simulations of soot formation using a one dimensional turbulence model,” UCUR conference, February 17, 2017, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, USA.

  • N. Gaffin, A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, “Soot consumption,” UCUR conference, February 17, 2017, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, N. Gaffin, “Soot nucleation and consumption in oxy-coal systems,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 13-18, 2016, San Francisco, California, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, N.D. Gaffin, “Soot consumption in oxy-coal systems,” 2016 Spring Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 21-22, 2016, Seattle, Washington, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, “Soot formation and secondary pyrolysis in oxy-coal combustion with large eddy simulation,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 10, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  • V.B. Lansinger, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, “One-dimensional turbulence modeling of soot in turbulent, nonpremixed flames,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 10, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  • C. Shen, D.O. Lignell, T.H. Fletcher, “Flame merging experiments in low speed, nonpremixed natural gas flames,” 2015 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 5-6, 2015, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, D.O. Lignell, “Simulating soot formation in oxy-coal combustion using large eddy simulation,” 2015 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 5-6, 2015, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • V.B. Lansinger, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, “Soot formation in round ethylene jet flames using one-dimensional turbulence,” 2015 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, October 5-6, 2015, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.

  • A.J. Josephson, B.J. Isaac, D.O. Lignell, T.H. Fletcher, “Large eddy simulation of an oxy-coal combustor,” 9th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, S.P. Kearney, D.R. Guildenbecher, V. Lansinger, “One-dimensional turbulence simulation of soot and enthalpy evolution in ethylene jet diffusion flames,” 9th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

  • C. Shen, D.O. Lignell, T.H. Fletcher, “Flame merging experiments in low speed, nonpremixed natural gas flames,” 9th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

  • C. Li, D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, T. Lu, “Detection of local extinction and reignition in nonpremixed ethylene-air flames using chemical explosive mode analysis,” 9th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, 2015, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, S.P. Kearney, D.R. Guildenbecher, V. Lansinger, “One-dimensional turbulence simulation of soot and enthalpy evolution in ethylene jet flames,” FM Global Open Source Fire Modeling Workshop, May 6, 2015, Norwood, MA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, B.J. Isaac, A. Josephson, T.H. Fletcher, J. Thornock, “Large eddy simulation of soot formation in an oxy-coal combustor,” 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 19-22, 2015, Avignon, France.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, “One-dimensional turbulence simulation: overview and application to soot formation in nonpremixed flames,” SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, March 13-18, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

  • T.H. Fletcher, D.O. Lignell, T. Holland, A.J. Josephson, A. Richards, “Coal particle combustion,” (poster), Stewardship Science Academic Program Symposium, March 11-12, 2015, Santa Fe, NM, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, “Particle time-temperature histories in turbulent flames studied through stochastic modeling,” 35th International Symposium on Combustion, (poster), August 4-8, 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Direct and stochastic simulation of turbulent reacting flows,” Utah Fluids Conference, July 27-28, 2014, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, G. Sun, “Statistics of particle time-temperature histories in turbulent reacting flows,” DTRA Basic Research Technical Review, July, 2014, Springfield, VA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, E.I. Monson, G. Fredline, R. Hintze, Chris Werner, M.A. Finney, Z. Jozefik, A.R. Kerstein, “LES, ODT, and experimental investigation of vertical ethylene wall fires,” FM Global Open Source CFD Fire Modeling Workshop, May 15-16, 2014, Norwood, MA, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, and C.R. Gin, “Numerical simulation of two-way coupling mechanism in particle-laden turbulent flow based on one-dimensional turbulence model,” APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 66th Annual Meeting November 24-26, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • D.D. Harris and D.O. Lignell, “Kinetic model for stable amorphous calcium carbonate,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 6, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.

  • J.C.K. Tang, E.R. Hawkes, D.O. Lignell, A. Krisman, J.H. Chen, “Mixing model evaluation for transported PDF modelling of non-premixed ethylene flames,” Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium, Nov 6-8, 2013, Perth, Australia.

  • J.C. Hewson, C.R Gin, D.O. Lignell, G. Sun, “Statistics of particle time-temperature histories in turbulent reacting flows,” DTRA Basic Research Technical Review, July 24, 2013, Springfield, VA, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, and C.R. Gin, “Numerical investigation of one- and two-way interaction between jets and dispersed particles” (Poster), DTRA Basic Research Technical Review, July 24, 2013, Springfield, VA, USA.

  • A. Paudel, D.O. Lignell, M.A. Finney, G. Sun, R.S. Hintze, E.I Monson, “Application of one-dimensional turbulence to model fire spread through biomass fuel beds,” 8th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 19-22, 2013, Park City, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, A. Lewis, “Soot formation in turbulent flames-comparison of ODT and DNS,” 8th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 19-22, 2013, Park City, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, G. Sun, A. Paudel, “One-dimensional turbulence simulation: advances and combustion applications,” SIAM 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 8-10, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O Lignell, G. Sun, A. Paudel, “Particle Dispersion in one-dimensional turbulence,” SIAM 14th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, April 8-10, 2013, San Antonio, TX, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, and J.C. Hewson, “A stochastic model of particle dispersion in turbulent reacting gaseous environments,” APS Division of Fluid Dynamics 65th Annual Meeting November 18-20, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • A. Paudel, D.O. Lignell, E.I. Monson, and M.A. Finney, “Stochastic simulation of fire spread in solid fuel beds,” AIChE Annual Meeting, October 28-November 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, and J.C. Hewson, “Detailed simulations of Lagrangian particle transport in turbulent reacting flows,” (Poster), AIChE Annual Meeting, October 28-November 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, G. Sun, “Statistics of particle time-temperature histories in turbulent reacting flows,” DTRA Basic Research Technical Review, July 23-August 2, 2012, Springfield, VA, USA.

  • G. Sun, D.O. Lignell, and J.C. Hewson, “Lagrangian particle transport in turbulent flows,” (Poster), DTRA Basic Research Technical Review, July 23-August 2, 2012, Springfield, VA, USA.

  • D.D. Harris and D.O. Lignell, “Simulation of reaction and mixing processes in turbulent aqueous CaCO3 precipitation,” (Poster), AIChE Annual Meeting, October 28-November 2, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

  • D.D. Harris and D.O. Lignell, “Resolved simulation of calcium carbonate crystallization using the one-dimensional turbulence model,” AIChE Annual Meeting, October 16-21, 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, D. Rappleye, “Validation of one-dimensional turbulence simulation of extinguishing planar ethylene jet flames,” 7th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 20-23, 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

  • E.I. Monson, D.O. Lignell, “Simulation of an ethylene wall fire using the one dimensional turbulence model,” 7th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 20-23, 2011, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

  • D.O. Lignell, E.I. Monson, M.A. Finney, “Modeling flame structure in wildland fires using the one-dimensional turbulence model,” 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research, November 15-18, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal. Paper.

  • D.O. Lignell, D.S. Rappleye, “A comparison of one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) and direct numerical simulation (DNS) of non-premixed flames with extinction,” AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • E.I. Monson, D.O. Lignell, “Simulation of an ethylene wall fire using the one-dimensional turbulence model,” (Poster), AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-12, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah.

  • D.O. Lignell, E.I. Monson, “Using ODT to model flame propagation in wildland fire fuel beds,” 24th Annual ACERC Conference, Brigham Young University, February 25-26, 2010, Provo UT.

  • H.A. Schmutz, D.O. Lignell, “Scalar dissipation rate in nonpremixed flames with extinction and reignition,” 24th Annual ACERC Conference, Brigham Young University, February 25-26, 2010, Provo, UT, USA.

  • D.S. Rappleye, D.O. Lignell, “ODT validation with DNS data for extinction and ignition of ethylene flames,” 24th Annual ACERC Conference, Brigham Young University, February 25-26, 2010, Provo, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, “Effects of Damköhler number on flame extinction and reignition in turbulent nonpremixed flames using DNS,” 6th Meeting of the U.S. Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, 2009, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

  • D.O. Lignell, “Direct numerical simulation of turbulence-chemistry interactions in nonpremixed flames,” 23rd Annual ACERC Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, February 23-24, 2009.

  • J.C. Hewson, D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, “Modelling differential diffusion in nonpremixed combustion: soot transport in mixture fraction space,” Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program, Sanford University, July 7-August 1, 2008. Paper.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, “Investigation of flame extinction and reignition modes in nonpremixed ethylene jet flames using direct numerical simulation,” SIAM 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Monterey, CA, March 31-April 2, 2008.

  • J.C. Hewson, A. Ricks, D.O. Lignell, A.R. Kerstein, “Modeling differential diffusion with conditional moment closure,” SIAM 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Monterey, CA, March 31-April 2, 2008.

  • C.S. Yoo, D.O. Lignell, E.S. Richardson, J.H. Chen, “DNS of stabilization of turbulent lifted nonpremixed jet flames in vitiated coflow,” SIAM 12th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Monterey, CA, March 31-April 2, 2008.

  • A. Cuoci, T. Faravelli, E. Ranzi, P.J. Smith, D.O. Lignell (presenter), “Effects of Turbulent Fluctuations on the numerical predictions of soot formation and oxidation in turbulent nonpremixed flames using a coupled radiation/flamelet model,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 4-9, 2007.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, T. Lu, C.K. Law, “Direct numerical simulation of extinction and reignition in a nonpremixed turbulent ethylene jet flame”, 2007 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Oct. 16-17, 2007, Livermore, CA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.C. Hewson, J.H. Chen, “A-priori analysis of CMC modeling of turbulent soot formation using direct numerical simulation”, 2007 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Oct. 16-17, 2007, Livermore, CA, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, P.J. Smith, J.H. Chen, “Simulation and modeling of soot formation in nonpremixed combustion using DNS”, Workshop on Heat Transfer in Fires, Sep. 20-21, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, C.S. Yoo, J.H. Chen, R. Sankaran, M. Fahey, “Petascale combustion science, performance and optimization”, Cray Scaling Workshop, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 30-31, 2007, Oak Ridge, TN, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, P.J. Smith, J.H. Chen, “Validation of mixing and reaction models for sooting nonpremixed turbulent flames using DNS”, NAMF Mixing Conference XXI, June 17-22, 2007, Park City, UT, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, J.H. Chen, P.J. Smith, T. Lu, C.K. Law, “Direct numerical simulation of soot formation and transport in nonpremixed ethylene flames”, 5th Meeting of the Joint Sections of the Combustion Institute, March 25-28, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.

  • N. Krishnamoorthy, D.R. Yeates, D.O. Lignell, J. Spinti, P.J. Smith, “The feasibility of mixture fraction and heat loss mapping for characterizing turbulent nonpremixed flames”, 2006 Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 27-28, 2006, Boise ID, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, P.J. Smith, J.H. Chen, “DNS of soot formation and transport in nonpremixed ethylene flames in a single vortex-eddy, and two dimensional decaying turbulence configurations”, Fire Model Workshop, May 8-9, 2006, Albuquerque, NM, USA.

  • D.O. Lignell, P.J. Smith “Verification of heat loss in a steady laminar flamelet reaction model”, Verification Workshop, March 16-17, 2005, Albuquerque, NM, USA.

  • C.L. Senior, D.O. Lignell, Z. Chen, B. Shiley, A. Sarofim, “Modelling gaseous mercury behavior in practical combustion system”, Air Quality IV: Mercury, Trace Elments, and Particulate Matter, Sep 22-24, 2003, Arlington, VA, USA.

  • C.L. Senior, D.O. Lignell, B. Shiley, Z. Chen, A. Sarofim, “Kinetic models for predicting the behavior of mercury in coal-fired power plants”, ACERC Annual Conference, Feb 19-20, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.

  • K. Davis, H. Shim, D.O. Lignell, M. Denison, L. Felix, “Evaluation of biomass cofiring injection strategies using CFD simulations: pilot- and full-scale results”, 27th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, March 4-7, 2002, Clearwater, FL, USA.

  • C.L. Senior, D.O. Lignell, Z. Chen, A.F. Sarofim, T.W. Dixon, “Characterization of reactivity of green and calcined petroleum coke with oxygen for application to combustion systems”, 2005 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Feb 13-17, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA.

