ChE 541 Schedule 2023 (subject to change)

Class Day Date Topic HW due Hoffman
1 M 9-Jan Introduction / Overview
2 W 11-Jan Errors, accuracy, roundoff
3 F 13-Jan Matrices, linear algegra 1 1
M 16-Jan Holiday
4 W 18-Jan Linear systems–direct methods 1
5 F 20-Jan Linear systems–direct and iterative methods 1
6 M 23-Jan Linear systems–iterative methods
7 W 25-Jan Nonlinear equations I 2 3
8 F 27-Jan Nonlinear equations II 3
9 M 30-Jan Nonlinear equations III 3
10 W 1-Feb Taylor series, finite differences 3 5.1-5.4
11 F 3-Feb ODEs, IVP, EE, IE II, 7.1-7.2
12 M 6-Feb ODEs, IVP, higher order 7.3-7.5,7.7
13 W 8 Feb ODEs, adaptive, stability, convergence 4 7.6
14 F 10-Feb ODEs, stiffness, multi-D, nonlinear 7.11-7.14
15 M 13-Feb Review
16 W 15-Feb Exam 1
17 F 17-Feb ODEs, BVP, shooting 8.1-8.3
18 T 21 Feb ODEs, BVP, relaxation 8.4
19 W 22-Feb ODEs, BCs 5 (Thurs) 8.5-8.8
20 F 24-Feb PDEs, classification III 10.1-10.3
21 M 27-Feb PDEs, FTCS, BTCS, CN, Omega, MOL 10.4, 10.7
22 W 1-Mar PDEs, stability 10.5
23 F 3-Mar PDEs, parabolic, multi-D 6 10.9
24 M 6-Mar PDEs, ADI, consistency, elliptic 10.5, 10.9
25 W 8-Mar FV method
26 F 10-Mar FV method, interfaces, issues
27 M 13-Mar Advection, diffusion I 10.10
28 W 15-Mar Advection, diffusion II 7 10.10
F 17-Mar Spring Break 11.6-11.8
29 M 20-Mar Review
30 W 22-Mar Exam 2
31 F 24-Mar Hyperbolic equations, Euler eqns, methods 11.1-11.5
32 M 27-Mar Hyperbolic equations, flux limiters
33 W 29-Mar Numerical integration I 8 6
34 F 31-Mar Numerical integration II, adaptive/MC 6
35 M 3-Apr Numerical integration III, MC/sample pdf 6
36 W 5-Apr Numerical integration IV, Guass quadrature 6
37 F 7-Apr Interpolation 4
38 M 10-Apr Curve fitting
39 W 12-Apr Special topics
40 F 14-Apr Project
41 M 17-Apr Special topics
42 W 19-Apr Final review 9
Final T 25-Apr 7:30 AM LSB 2004