- Anaconda:
Has all of python in one easy install: Jupyter, Spyder, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, etc.
- Jupyter Notebook:
A nice, interactive online python environment for scientific computing.
- iPython Cookbook.
- Scipy:
Scientific python packages.
- Scientific Python lectures
Scientific Python Lectures.
- Python Cookbooks:
lots of good python examples for numpy, scipy, plotting, GUIs, etc.
- Sympy:
symbolic math library.
- Numpy for Matlab users
. Also, here is another one.
- Spyder:
a good python development environment.
- xlwings:
replace VBA with python: a python interface to Excel!
- Sage:
Interface to many python packages, and other including R.
- Pandas:
Data analysis library. (Excel++).
- Numba:
Make Python fast. Here’s the main Numba site.
- Cython:
Make Python fast, and interface Python with C.
- See also the online references on the Scientific Python Summary.
- Mark Redd’s Python Book
Matlab Tutorials
: A wide range of numerical resources in various languages/environments.
An online center for computational fluid dynamics resources.
- Cantera:
A suite of object-oriented software tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and/or transport processes. Does equilibrium, multiphase, and non- ideal. This is great for Chemical Engineers. It can be used from Python, MATLAB, C++, or Fortran.
- LaTeX:
A collection of useful LaTeX manuals and resources.
- LYX:
A document processor for LaTeX giving all the nice output with less LaTeX know-how.
Suite of nonlinear differential algegraic equation solvers. Good for stiff ODEs.
The successor to LINPACK, and the industry standard for solving linear systems and eigenproblems. This may already be installed on your system.
is a large collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
A cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering from NIST.
Commercial and comprehensive software libraries including hundreds of routines for many programming languages.
- NAG:
Commercial and comprehensive software libraries analogous to IMSL.
- Numerical Recipes Software:
Commercial code, goes with the Numerical Recipes book. Many routines in many languages available.