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Class 1 Introduction
Class 2 Errors, accuracy, and roundoff
- Questions
- Notes
- Slides
- Some good links
- Cook: What’s so hard about finding a hypotenuse?
- Cook: Math library functions that seem unnecessary
- Cook: Anatomy of a floating point number
- What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic
- Base 3 is best
- Brian Hayes, “Third Base,” American Scientist 89(6):490-494(2001).
Class 3 Linear algebra review
Class 4 Linear systems-direct methods
Class 5-6 Linear systems-iterative methods
Class 7 Nonlinear equations I
Class 8 Nonlinear equations II
Class 9 Nonlinear equations III
Class 10 Numerical derivatives
Class 11 ODEs I
Class 12 ODEs II
Class 13 ODEs III
- Questions
- Notes
- Corresponding jupyter notebook file (right click, save as)