Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
- Write the canonical parabolic PDE, the unsteady 1D diffusion equation
- What ODE method is FTCS similar to?
- What ODE method is BTCS similar to?
- What ODE method is Crank Nicholson (CN) similar to?
- What are the time and space discretization orders of FTCS, BTCS, and CN?
- Consider the stencils for the methods discussed.
- What do these imply about the domain coupling and rate of propagation of information?
- How would this change if you used a higher order stencil?
- Why is the method of lines called that?
- True or False: the treatment of boundary conditions for simple PDEs is basically the same as for ODE BVPs.
- Consider how index arrays can be used to good effect in Python (or Julia) to simplify the implementation and avoid loops (which are costly in Python).