ODEs 3

  • Write the following 3rd order ODE as three first order ODEs: $gg^{\prime\prime} + 2g^{\prime\prime\prime} = 0$
  • Show how to use an eigenvector decomposition to decouple a system of linear ODEs.
  • Show how to verify the order of an ODE method by changing the step size and plotting/fitting
  • What are two approaches to using automatic, variable step sizes for ODE methods?
    • Write down the equation for modifying the step size.
  • For the two reaction system $A+B\rightarrow C$ and $A+C\rightarrow D$ with rate constants $k_1$ and $k_2$, write the system of ODEs.
    • Is this system linear or nonlinear?
  • Write down the advancement formulas for the 4th order RK method.