Linear Algebra--Direct Methods

  • Types of linear solvers
    • What are the two main methods of solving linear systems?
  • If you have a system with 10,000 equation, would you use a direct method?
  • Gauss elimination
    • Algorithm
      • What are the two parts and how do they work?
    • Cost
      • How does the computational cost scale with the number of unknowns $n$?
      • If you double the number of equations in a linear system, by what factor does the computational cost change for the two portions of the algorithm?
      • Can you explain why in terms of what is happening with the algorithm?
    • Pivoting
      • Why is it used?
      • There are two main types, which do we use?
      • How is it done conceptually? How is it actually implemented?
    • Scaling
      • Why is it important to use scaling when doing pivoting?
  • LU Decomposition
    • How is it related to Gauss Elimination?
    • When is LU decomposition more obviously preferred to Gauss Elimination?
  • Thomas algorithm
    • Why don’t we use pivoting and scaling with the Thomas algorithm?
    • If you double the number of equations in a tridiagonal linear system, by what factor does the computational cost change?

Fill in the following psuedo code

  • Assume array indexes start at zero.
  • Assume loops start and end on the values listed (unlike range).
  • This is something to reason through, not something to memorize!
loop over columns:  do k= __, __
loop over rows:         do i= __, __
    find fac:               fac= a(__,__)/a(__,__)
    loop row elements:      do j=  ,
                                a(__,__)=a(__,__) - fac*a(__,__)
    do b vector             b(__) = b(__) - fac*b(__)