Boundary Value Problems, BCs, nonlinear, nonuniform

  • How are Neumann (or Robin) BC’s treated using the Ghost Cell Method?
  • How are Neumann (or Robin) BC’s treated using the Other Method?
  • What is an advantage of the Ghost Cell Method?
  • What is an advantage of the Other Method?
  • For nonlinear equations, what do we mean by “lag and iterate?”
  • Besides lagging nonlinear terms, what is another way to linearize a nonlinear term?
    • Which would you expect to converge faster?
  • If you apply a finite difference approximation that is second order accurate on a uniform grid, what is the order of the method when applied to a nonuniform grid?
  • Outline how to use an analytic stretching function to maintain the order of a discritization while using a nonuniform grid.