Simple batch reactor¶
- Adiabatic, constant pressure
- Based on Cantera python example
- See the Cantera website for details
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import cantera as ct
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
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#------------------ user specifications
P = 101325 # Pa
T0 = 1400 # K
X0 = "CH4:1, O2:2, N2:7.52" # moles
trun = 0.01 # run time (s)
ntimes = 500 # number of times to save
spPlot = ["CH4", 'CO', 'CO2'] # species to plot
#------------------ define the reactor gas and initial condition
gas = ct.Solution("gri30.yaml")
gas.TPX = T0, P, X0 # this is the reactor initial condition
#------------------ define the reactor
rxr = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas, volume=1)
rxrNet = ct.ReactorNet([rxr])
#------------------ setup variables for results
isp = [gas.species_index(k) for k in spPlot]
times = np.linspace(0,trun,ntimes)
T = np.zeros(ntimes)
xsp = np.zeros((ntimes,len(spPlot)))
#------------------ run the reactor
for i, t in enumerate(times):
T[i] = rxr.thermo.T
for k in range(len(spPlot)):
xsp[i,k] = rxr.thermo.X[isp[k]]
#------------------ plot results
plt.rc('font', size=14)
plt.plot(times*1000, T)
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('T (K)');
for i in range(len(spPlot)):
plt.plot(times*1000,xsp[:,i], label=spPlot[i])
plt.legend(spPlot, frameon=False)
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
CSTR reactor¶
- Constant volume, adiabatic CSTR
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# ------
# (Air Reservoir) ----> (mass flow controller) ----> | |
# |CSTR| ----> (Valve) ----> (Environment Reservoir)
# (Fuel Reservoir) ----> (mass flow controller) ----> | |
# ------
#------------------ user specifications
P = 101325 # Pa
TairIn = 300 # K
TfuelIn = 300 # K
Tcstr0 = 2000 # K
Vcstr = 1 # m^3
mdotIn = 2 # kg/s total inlet flow rate
FA_ratio = 0.05795 # mass ratio: fuel/air
Xair = "O2:0.21, N2:0.79" # mole fractions
Xfuel = "CH4:1" # mole fractions
trun = 1.0 # run time (s)
ntimes = 100 # number of times to save
spPlot = ['O2', 'CO', 'CO2'] # species to plot
#------------------ define the fuel, air, and cstr gases
fuel = ct.Solution("gri30.yaml")
air = ct.Solution("gri30.yaml")
gas = ct.Solution("gri30.yaml")
fuel.TPX = TfuelIn, P, Xfuel
air.TPX = TairIn, P, Xair
gas.TPX = Tcstr0, P, Xair # this is the reactor initial condition
#------------------ define the streams and the reactor
inletAir = ct.Reservoir(air)
inletFuel = ct.Reservoir(fuel)
environment = ct.Reservoir(air)
cstr = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas, volume=Vcstr)
mdotAir = mdotIn/(1+FA_ratio)
mdotFuel = mdotIn-mdotAir
mfcAir = ct.MassFlowController(inletAir, cstr, mdot=mdotAir)
mfcFuel = ct.MassFlowController(inletFuel, cstr, mdot=mdotFuel)
valveExhaust = ct.Valve(cstr, environment, K=1000)
#------------------ add a wall for optional expansion and/or heat transfer
# A is area (m2)
# K is a volume expansion rate coefficient: dV/dt = K*(P_1-P_2)
# U is an overall heat transfer coefficient.
wall = ct.Wall(cstr, environment, A=1, K=0, U=0)
#------------------ define the reactor network
rxrNet = ct.ReactorNet([cstr])
#------------------ setup variables for results
isp = [gas.species_index(k) for k in spPlot]
times = np.linspace(0,trun,ntimes)
T = np.zeros(ntimes)
nsp = len(spPlot)
xsp = np.zeros((ntimes,nsp))
#------------------ run the reactor
for i, t in enumerate(times):
T[i] = cstr.thermo.T
for k in range(len(spPlot)):
xsp[i,k] = cstr.thermo.X[isp[k]]
plt.rc('font', size=14)
plt.plot(times*1000, T)
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
plt.ylabel('T (K)');
for i in range(nsp):
plt.plot(times*1000,xsp[:,i], label=spPlot[i])
plt.legend(spPlot, frameon=False)
plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
tau = cstr.thermo.density*Vcstr/mdotIn
print("τ =", tau, "(s)")
τ = 0.07590160355684827 (s)
Diesel engine¶
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##################### user specifications
engine_rps = 3000. / 60. # engine speed (1/s) revolutions per second
V_cylinder = .5e-3 # displaced volume (m^3)
CR = 50. # compression ratio
d_piston = 0.083 # piston diameter (m)
#---------- turbocharger inlet (air inlet)
T_inlet = 300. # (K)
p_inlet = 1.3e5 # (Pa)
X_inlet = 'O2:1, N2:3.76'
#---------- outlet pressure
p_outlet = 1.2e5 # Pa
#---------- fuel properties (gaseous!)
T_injector = 300. # (K)
p_injector = 1600e5 # (Pa)
X_injector = 'C3H8:1'
#---------- ambient properties
T_ambient = 300. # (K)
p_ambient = 1e5 # (Pa)
X_ambient = 'O2:1, N2:3.76'
#---------- Inlet valve friction coefficient, open and close timings
inlet_valve_coeff = 1.e-6
inlet_open = -18 * (np.pi/180) # degrees --> radians
inlet_close = 198 * (np.pi/180) # degrees --> radians
#---------- Outlet valve friction coefficient, open and close timings
outlet_valve_coeff = 1.e-6
outlet_open = 522 * (np.pi/180) # degrees --> radians
outlet_close = 18 * (np.pi/180) # degrees --> radians
#---------- Fuel mass, injector open and close timings
injector_open = 350 * (np.pi/180)
injector_close = 365 * (np.pi/180)
injector_mass = 3.2e-5 # kg
injector_t_open = (injector_close - injector_open)/2./np.pi/engine_rps
#---------- Simulation time and resolution
sim_n_revolutions = 8
nt = 100000 # number of timesteps
##################### set reactor and inlet, fuel, outlet, and ambient reservoirs
gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml') # set gas object
gas.TPX = T_inlet, p_inlet, X_inlet # set initial state
cylinder = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas) # set reactor
gas.TPX = T_inlet, p_inlet, X_inlet # define inlet state
inlet = ct.Reservoir(gas) # set inlet reservoir
gas.TPX = T_injector, p_injector, X_injector # define injector state (gaseous)
injector = ct.Reservoir(gas) # set injector reservoir
gas.TPX = T_ambient, p_outlet, X_ambient # set outlet pressure (T, X don't matter)
outlet = ct.Reservoir(gas) # set outlet reservoir
gas.TPX = T_ambient, p_ambient, X_ambient # set ambient pressure (T, X don't matter)
ambient_air = ct.Reservoir(gas) # set ambient reservoir
##################### set connecting devices
inlet_valve = ct.Valve(inlet, cylinder)
injector_mfc = ct.MassFlowController(injector, cylinder)
outlet_valve = ct.Valve(cylinder, outlet)
piston = ct.Wall(ambient_air, cylinder)
##################### convert time to crank angle
def crank_angle(t):
return np.remainder(2 * np.pi * engine_rps * t, 4 * np.pi)
##################### set up IC engine parameters
A_piston = np.pi/4*d_piston**2
L_stroke = V_cylinder / A_piston
cylinder.volume = V_cylinder / (CR - 1.)
piston.area = A_piston
def piston_speed(t):
return -L_stroke/2 *2*np.pi*engine_rps*np.sin(crank_angle(t))
##################### create a reactor network containing the cylinder
rxrNet = ct.ReactorNet([cylinder])
##################### set output variables
states = ct.SolutionArray(cylinder.thermo)
t_sim = sim_n_revolutions / engine_rps
times = (np.arange(nt) + 1) / nt * t_sim
V = np.zeros_like(times)
m = np.zeros_like(times)
test = np.zeros_like(times)
mdot_in = np.zeros_like(times)
mdot_out = np.zeros_like(times)
d_W_v_d_t = np.zeros_like(times)
heat_release_rate = np.zeros_like(times)
##################### set parameters for the automatic time step refinement
n_last_refinement = -np.inf # for initialization only
n_wait_coarsening = 10
##################### run the engine
for n1, t in enumerate(times):
#---------- define opening and closing of valves and injector
if (np.mod(crank_angle(t) - inlet_open, 4*np.pi) <
np.mod(inlet_close - inlet_open, 4*np.pi)):
test[n1] = 1
if (np.mod(crank_angle(t) - outlet_open, 4*np.pi) <
np.mod(outlet_close - outlet_open, 4*np.pi)):
if (np.mod(crank_angle(t) - injector_open, 4*np.pi) <
np.mod(injector_close - injector_open, 4*np.pi)):
injector_mfc.set_mass_flow_rate(injector_mass / injector_t_open)
#---------- perform time integration, refine time step if necessary
for n2 in range(4):
if n2 is 4:
raise 'Error: Refinement limit reached'
except Exception:
rxrNet.set_max_time_step(1e-6 * 10**-n2)
n_last_refinement = n1
#---------- coarsen time step if too long ago
if n1 - n_last_refinement is n_wait_coarsening:
#---------- write output data
V[n1] = cylinder.volume
m[n1] = cylinder.mass
mdot_in[n1] = inlet_valve.mdot(0)
mdot_out[n1] = outlet_valve.mdot(0)
d_W_v_d_t[n1] = - (cylinder.thermo.P - ambient_air.thermo.P)*A_piston*piston_speed(t)
heat_release_rate[n1] = -cylinder.volume*ct.gas_constant*cylinder.T * \
np.sum(gas.standard_enthalpies_RT*cylinder.thermo.net_production_rates, 0)
##################### plot results
#---------- pressure and temperature
plt.plot(times, states.P / 1.e5)
plt.ylabel('$p$ [bar]')
plt.xlabel('$\phi$ [deg]')
plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], [])
plt.plot(times, states.T)
plt.ylabel('$T$ [K]')
plt.xlabel('$\phi$ [deg]')
plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], crank_angle(plt.xticks()[0]) * 180/np.pi, rotation=17)
#---------- p-V diagram
plt.plot(V[times > 0.04] * 1000, states.P[times > 0.04] / 1.e5)
plt.xlabel('$V$ [l]')
plt.ylabel('$p$ [bar]')
#---------- T-S diagram
plt.plot(m[times > 0.04] * states.s[times > 0.04], states.T[times > 0.04])
plt.xlabel('$S$ [J/K]')
plt.ylabel('$T$ [K]')
#---------- heat of reaction and expansion work
plt.plot(times, heat_release_rate, label='$\dot{Q}$')
plt.plot(times, d_W_v_d_t, label='$\dot{W}_v$')
plt.ylim(-1e5, 1e6)
plt.xlabel('$\phi$ [deg]')
plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], crank_angle(plt.xticks()[0]) * 180/np.pi, rotation=17)
#---------- gas composition
plt.plot(times, states('O2').X, label='O2')
plt.plot(times, states('CO2').X, label='CO2')
plt.plot(times, states('CO').X, label='CO')
plt.plot(times, states('C3H8').X * 10, label='C3H8 x10')
plt.ylabel('$X_i$ [-]')
plt.xlabel('$\phi$ [deg]')
plt.xticks(plt.xticks()[0], crank_angle(plt.xticks()[0]) * 180/np.pi, rotation=17);
##################### integral results
#from scipy.integrate import trapz
#Q = trapz(heat_release_rate, times)
#W = trapz(d_W_v_d_t, times)
#eta = W / Q
#MW = states.mean_molecular_weight
#CO_emission = trapz(MW * mdot_out * states('CO').X, times) / trapz(MW * mdot_out, times)
#print('Heat release rate per cylinder (estimate):\t' + format(Q / t_sim / 1000., ' 2.1f') + ' kW')
#print('Expansion power per cylinder (estimate):\t' + format(W / t_sim / 1000., ' 2.1f') + ' kW')
#print('Efficiency (estimate):\t\t\t' + format(eta * 100., ' 2.1f') + ' %')
#print('CO emission (estimate):\t\t' + format(CO_emission * 1.e6, ' 2.1f') + ' ppm')
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