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Combustion basics, flames
- Slides (pdf)
- HCCI paper: Saxena and Bedoya 2013
- RCCI paper: Reitz and Duraisamy 2015
- Flameless combustion: Wunning and Wunning 1997
- MILD combustion: Cavaliere and Joannon 2004
- Stoichiometry , [notebook ]
Mixture fraction
- Mixture fraction , [notebook ]
Adiabatic flame temperatures
- Notes , [notebook ]
- Slides
- Cantera Tadiabatic versus mixture fraction (simpler, but less complete than the notes)
- Excel thermo data (right click, save as)
- Thermo data (python) , [notebook ]
- streams.py (right click, save as)
Equilibrium I
- Notes: equilibrium reactions, Keq
- Notes: equilibrium criteria
- Compare EQ, PCC, WGS , [notebook (needs streams.py) ]
- streams.py (right click, save as)
- This is a nice helper class for doing many of the calculations demonstrated previously.
- Uses Cantera
- Define the composition of the $\xi=0$ and $\xi=1$ streams.
- Functions provided for:
- compute $\xi_{st}$
- pure mixing state: h and y from, e.g. $h=h_0(1-\xi) + h_1\xi$
- products of complete combustion (x or y) and temperature for given $\xi$
- equilibrium products (x or y) and temperature for given $\xi$
- products of complete combustion with water gas shift equilibrium, and temperature for given $\xi$
- $\Phi$ from $\xi$ and $\xi$ from $\Phi$
- y from x and x from y
Equilibrium II: minimize Gibbs: element potential method
- Notes and solver , [notebook (needs streams.py) ]
- streams.py (right click, save as)
- simple mechanism file from gri30.yaml, but without reactions. Can edit species list.
Engines and fuels
Mass transfer
Kinetics I
- Notes , [notebook ]
- Cantera reaction information , [notebook ]
Kinetics II
- Notes
- Yetter 1991 CO/H2 mechanism paper
- Westbrook 1981 simplified reaction mechanisms
- Davis 2005 optimized H2/CO mechanism
Review I
Exam I
Canonical reactors
- Notes , [notebook ]
- Cantera reactors , [notebook ]
Conserved scalar equations
Premixed flames I
- Notes
- USBM video
- M flame, combustion noise
- Whoosh bottle
- Whoosh bottle gone wrong
- Whoosh bottle analysis , [notebook ]
Premixed flames II
Flammability and ignition
- Notes
- Flame arresters article (CEP)
- Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook Chapter 24 has a section on flame arrestors
- Miner’s safety lamp
Review 2
Exam 2
Diffusion flames
Soot formation
Turbulent premixed flames
Turbulent diffusion flames
- Notes
- Initiation of Gaseous Detonation, J.H.S., Lee Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem 1977
- A comparison of the classical and modern theory of detonation, F.E. Walker, J. Phys, IV France 1995
- Theory of detonation waves 1942 John Von Neuman
- Detonation speed code