Lab Assignments (Subject to Change)

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HBB: How big is big? (pdf)
HBB: How big is big? (docx)

VP: Vapor pressure (pdf)
VP: Vapor pressure (docx)

PCO: Pump cart orientation (pdf)
PCO: Pump cart orientation (docx)

Man: Manometer (pdf) Man: Manometer (docx)

LT: Liquid tank (pdf) LT: Liquid tank (docx)

P/F: Pipe and fittings (pdf) P/F: Pipe and fittings (docx)

P/S: Parallel vs series flow (pdf) Parallel vs series flow (docx)

CF: Choked flow (pdf) Choked flow (docx) Tank Blowdown Math

EF: External Flow/Drag (pdf) External Flow/Drag (docx)

COVID shutdown online labs

P/S: Parallel vs series flow (pdf)

CF: Choked flow (pdf)

EF: External Flow/Drag (pdf)

  • (the tape measure is 3.5 inches tall.)

PC: Pump curve and efficiency (pdf)

TBD: Tank blowdown (pdf)

CI: Confidence intervals (pdf)