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- Formatting numbers, precision
- Supplementary: Units to know
- args, tuples
- List comprehensions
- debugging
- Chuck Norris debugging
- for-else
- yaml
- Note You can type the following in a Jupyter cell to load a list of libraries:
%load http://che.byu.edu/imports.py
Class 1
Class 2: Excel functions, fill, arrays, locked cells, plots
Class 3: Excel Solving Equations
Class 4: Excel Curve Fits
Class 5: Excel Rate Equations (ODEs)
Class 6: Review
Class 7: Python, Jupyter basics:
Class 8: Markdown, equations
Class 9: Functions
Class 10: Conditionals, units
Class 11: Loops
Class 12: Arrays
- Arrays
- Supplemental: List comprehensions
- starting at 0 (see also the comments)
- more on starting at 0
Class 13: Review
Class 14: Variables, Scope, Tuples, Dictionaries
Class 15: Plotting, file i/o
Class 16: Modules, classes
Class 17: Integration
- Scipy quad function
- Rectangle and trapazoid integration
- Rectangle and trapazoid integration key
- Adaptive trapazoid integration (recursive)
- Adaptive trapazoid integration (recursive) key
Class 18: Solving equations
Class 19: Review
Class 20: Solving equations 2
Class 21: Interpolation
- Interpolation
- Interpolation
- Supplemental: multi-D interpolation
- Supplemental: multi-D interpolation scipy
- Supplemental: multilinear interpolation: C++
Class 22: Curve fitting
Class 23: Rate equations
Class 24: review
Class 25: Symbolic math
Class 26: widgets
Download and run the codes to see the widgets. Use jupyter notebook for this.